



1. 南宁市青秀区




2. 南宁市兴宁区




3. 南宁市西乡塘区





1. 看资质:选择老中医推拿店时,首先要查看其资质,确保其合法经营。

2. 查口碑:通过互联网、朋友推荐等方式,了解该店的服务质量、口碑等。

3. 考虑地理位置:根据自己的居住区域,选择离自己较近的推拿店,方便出行。

4. 询问专业度:了解推拿师的专业水平,确保推拿效果。



1. 针对性推拿:根据您的身体状况,推拿师会为您量身定制推拿方案。

2. 专业手法:老中医推拿师凭借丰富的经验,运用专业手法为您缓解疲劳、改善睡眠。

3. 舒适环境:店内环境优雅,让您在享受推拿的同时,感受到家的温馨。
















1. 专业设备,打造舒适环境


2. 精选产品,呵护肌肤


3. 独特手法,缓解疲劳


4. 个性化服务,满足不同需求



1. 悦豪足道健康公馆



2. 云舍养生SPA



3. 萨百帝.泰国皇家SPA
















1. 招聘需求旺盛:随着养生保健行业的快速发展,南宁按摩师的需求量逐年增加。各类养生馆、按摩店纷纷发布招聘信息,寻找优秀的按摩师加入。

2. 招聘岗位多样:南宁按摩师招聘市场涵盖多种岗位,如足疗师、保健按摩师、针灸推拿师、刮痧师等。不同岗位的技能要求、薪资待遇各不相同。

3. 招聘渠道广泛:南宁按摩师招聘信息可通过线上线下多种渠道获取。线上招聘平台如前程无忧、智联招聘、58同城等,线下招聘会、人才市场、养生馆等也是获取招聘信息的重要途径。


1. 技能要求:具备扎实的按摩功底,熟悉各种按摩手法,如推、拿、捏、揉、按等。同时,具备针灸、推拿、刮痧等养生保健技能者优先。

2. 经验要求:具有1年以上按摩师工作经验者优先。对于新手,部分养生馆会提供岗前培训。

3. 年龄要求:18-45岁之间,身体健康,形象气质佳。

4. 教育背景:高中及以上学历,专业不限。


1. 薪资水平:南宁按摩师薪资待遇因地区、岗位、经验等因素而异。一般而言,初级按摩师月薪在4000-6000元,中级按摩师月薪在6000-8000元,高级按摩师月薪在8000元以上。

2. 奖金福利:部分养生馆会根据员工表现发放奖金,如业绩奖金、全勤奖等。此外,还提供员工体检、节假日福利等。


1. 上升空间:随着经验的积累,按摩师可以晋升为店长、经理等管理岗位。

2. 转行机会:具备养生保健技能的按摩师,可以转向其他相关行业,如美容美发、康复理疗等。

























1. 便宜实惠:在南宁,盐疗按摩的价格非常亲民,只需9.9元就能享受10分钟的按摩服务。这种实惠的价格让更多年轻人能够尝试这种养生方式。

2. 便捷高效:盐疗按摩店遍布南宁街头,方便快捷。无论你在哪里,都能找到一家盐疗按摩店,享受舒适的按摩服务。

3. 专业手法:南宁的盐疗按摩师经过专业培训,手法娴熟,能够针对不同人群的身体状况进行针对性按摩,达到舒筋活络、缓解疲劳的效果。

4. 健康养生:盐疗按摩采用天然海盐,具有消炎、杀菌、抗过敏等作用。在按摩过程中,海盐中的矿物质和微量元素能够渗透到皮肤深层,促进血液循环,增强免疫力。


1. 舒适的环境:南宁的盐疗按摩店通常装修简约大方,营造出轻松、舒适的氛围。店内播放轻柔的音乐,让人在按摩过程中充分放松。

2. 精湛的手法:盐疗按摩师会根据你的需求,采用不同的按摩手法,如推、拿、揉、捏等,让你在短时间内感受到全身的舒适。

3. 独特的盐疗体验:在按摩过程中,盐疗师会使用海盐涂抹在你的身体上,通过摩擦产生热量,使盐分子深入皮肤,从而达到更好的按摩效果。

4. 放松身心:经过一段时间的盐疗按摩,你会感到全身舒展,压力得到释放。在轻松愉快的氛围中,你的身心得到了充分的休息和恢复。













If you can’t get through it, then waiting for you is to be unknown.

That kind of silence is enough to make nearly 90% of the people in their hearts but the new people forget everyone or simply leave the circle.
Every day, people in this circle make their debut and leave sadly.
And I don’t know if it’s really bad luck. Since the first year, it didn’t meet expectations, Yingbao began a three-year drifting career.
This issue has been praised, received a cold reception and even been treated differently. However, she gritted her teeth and survived all this.
Chapter 5 YingBao heart diary ()
However, what really broke her down was that it seemed that the gap between her dream and reality was getting bigger and bigger.
In the past, her dream was to become a big star that attracted much attention.
However, the reality is so cruel
Born with a round face, she has been stereotyped since she first came out.
Maid, sister, daughter …
After three years of debut, not to mention that the heroine doesn’t even have a supporting role with a slightly heavier part, and what is even more chilling is to come out with "Yahu Souxing" as the champion.
The fate of two people is really too fresh.
A small character who is still struggling 30 lines away and can have one more line is overjoyed.
The other one, when she debuted, was Shuang’er, the heroine of The Duke Of Mount Deer, who made a 20-million-large-scale gold-plated drama.
Not only has it been recognized by netizens, but it has also been praised as one of the actresses who most accord with Shuang’er’s temperament in recent years.
In the second year, he won the Forbes most potential celebrity award. At the age of one, Zhuo Yan was the youngest star in Forbes’ award-winning history.
Now, Zhang, who is about to star in the production, is about to be shown, and the official announcement has begun, which is one of the hottest topics this summer.
Xiao Zhao, the actress, is naturally more famous.
However, the greater the fame of Zhuo Yan, the stronger the bitterness in Yingbao’s heart
In particular, she will never forget that when she participated in "Lock Clear Autumn" last year, because she was willing to put herself forward and ask the heroine An Xuanru to play a good role, she was even more jealous by the cast and other walk-ons that someone was still sour on her. Bah! Don’t look at her face! Look at all the champions from’ Yahu Search Star’. How can people be a servant girl when they are magnanimous and support her? Don’t be refrigerated by the company? Otherwise, how can it be that the tutor’s family has a system of fame and fame? She is a big director student but can play a little girl? "
Such a sentence deeply hurt Yingbao at that time.
Inevitable Yingbao was a little angry with Fang Siyi for suggesting that he should go to Feng Daozu.
If I chose to go to Zhang’s production team in those days, then the glory and fame now should be myself, right?
However …
Yingbao looked at Fang Siyi’s nose with a complicated look. A sour heart and a warmth flowed through it.
Just when he was about to lose his heart and become the most annoying person in the past, he appeared.
I still remember that a few months ago, he suddenly appeared in front of himself and looked at it. At that time, he was still a little maid and walked over to ask her how she was doing.
He smiles so kindly and his eyes are so gentle.
As if a breeze had blown away all the dust in my heart for three years.
She remembers crying at that time.
Cry like rain, even if it attracted others’ attention and curiosity at that time, think about hiding in his arms and crying loudly
That’s what she thinks and does
Her eyes were swollen that day.
On that day, he also silently hugged himself and gently patted her back with low comfort.
Is this love?
Yingbao doesn’t know
So she had no idea about it before.
It’s not her fault.
Because she has been mixed up with Fang Siyi since she was a child.
Childhood friends, two small guesses, that should mean they are?
But from beginning to end, she didn’t have that kind of heart feeling for Fang Siyi.
To be precise, there is no such thing as love.
This is known to both.
But two people also don’t know how to change.
Now that I think about it, Fang Siyi was able to write so many stories about looking for a marriage, love and hate, because they were "not allowed"?
Both of them have been having problems.
And it’s still a serious problem that affects the future of two people.
Two people are too familiar.
Familiar enough to say love to each other.
It’s more like family.
However, everyone knows that marriage can never be happy without love.
But it’s really hard to change
Fortunately, both of them are young. It’s a little early to talk about marriage.
Although they have lived together for a long time, they have never had the last bottom line, which may be why.
However, after a long separation, I was seriously injured by the outside world and threw myself into his arms to feel his strong heartbeat, his gentle and low voice without losing magnetism, and his undivided attention as if to block all accusations and sufferings from the outside world. Ying Shi Bao was really touched.
There’s a real heartbeat, and there’s a real blush
She finally has a sense of seeing the inexplicable peach atmosphere in the film and television drama when she was a child.
At that moment, the impact on her was simply a fate.
However, to Yingbao’s surprise, Fang Siyi didn’t comfort her, but was really ready to help her.
I still remember when I was told that I was going to be the heroine in his first film, Yingbao was completely stupid.
Shadow … The heroine?
This once-elusive goal was so inexplicable but quite certain that Yingbao was stupid when he appeared in front of himself.
"I … I can’t! I can’t! " Yingbao still clearly remembers her panic at that time. Although she refused, her eyes were full of expectation and longing. It was really embarrassing.
However, Fang Siyi didn’t make fun of her, but laughed and joked, "It’s a pity that you won’t be paid because of limited funds."
Remember when I was stupid and said, "You are my whole person."
As soon as that sentence came out, the two men became quiet.
Oh, my god How could she say such a thing at that time?
Even if I think of Yingbao now, I still feel my face burning.
"I’m sorry, I don’t accept remuneration except for the beauty of my wife." Fang Siyi suddenly made Yingbao stunned by a word.
A sentence in "Love O2O" completely made Yingbao feel that her whole person was burning.
At the moment, Turtle Man hasn’t written such a sweet pet, Fang Siyi naturally doesn’t mind making it
However, it is obvious that such a sentence will have some big effects on Yingbao.

I didn’t think this fellow was so well-informed. He entered the demon world, but it didn’t take long for asura king, who lived here, to know.

"Where? asura king has always been in the Three Treasures Hall. Today, I think it’s not just congratulations. Come on?"
Wu’s name is too lazy for it to go around in circles. Now it’s the right thing to seek a promotion. What’s worse, the lifeblood of the Asura family has been saved in its own hands. If it weren’t for worrying that the nine ghosts can’t digest the Asura family’s heritage, people and mountains would have been named Wu.
Tama Yan Zheng suddenly didn’t think Wu Ming was so direct, and then he was dark in his heart. It is said that Yuan Shen’s three-point cultivation of something, a gasification and Sanqing avatar, was indeed mysterious, and he regarded him as the incarnation of the nine deep and remote, which was probably not harmonious.
Immediately corrected some attitude and lowered his posture, saying, "The emperor’s opinion is that the new town outside the mountain will be today without a name. I’ve come to ask the emperor to give me a name."
Wu Ming just mused, "Just call it Yindu."
Fengdu Emperor people have the ghost town of feng du, the Tubo people have the ghost country of Youdu, but now it is occupied by Wu Ming, and now the Emperor Jiuyou can set up a capital. When the time comes, the Yindu City will be merged with Gankun Law, Suspended Mountain and Jiuyou, and then it will be under the jurisdiction of Jiuyou.
The more perfect and powerful Jiuyou is, the stronger his second yuan God can play.
"Yin has a lot of names given by Xie Dijun. After three days, the capital of Yin will accept visitors from all directions, which will inevitably become the largest city in the demon world." Tama Yan laughed.
After they chatted again, Domoyan would leave.
It is out that after returning to the Asura clan, Mo Yan, with one hand and many hands, has a scary face. This time, it seems that he talked simply with many eyes, but there is a terrible momentum to press it mentally and physically. That is even if it is a family force, it is difficult to compete. Mo Yan has to bow his head.
At this moment, there was a loud noise in the depths of the Asura clan. As soon as I saw it, I saw a towering figure. Sakya was the same, but it was superhuman, but it was not a snake’s tail, but the first-born horns were covered with scales. Mo Yan couldn’t help but be overjoyed. The Asura clan finally appeared a asura king after ten thousand years!
The fourth asura king in Pelogash!
The Asura family is boiling, and the three asura king, Tamayan, Fuzun and Sakya, got up and congratulated the situation.
Nine deep and remote places, several ghosts and spirits also looked up at that horrible figure.
"This is the back Asura? We are so strong and fierce! " Some ghosts and gods surprised way
"Afraid of what? I’ve heard that what we are going to do is that the emperor won it from the Asura family, and it’s naturally more fierce than it! "
Boom Boom
The hanging mountain is upside down, and the gods lifted up their eyes and looked at it as a sea of magma. That asura king was so tall that half his head was stuck in the magma, but he just saw the king of Panshan Mountain.
"Get me out of here and I’ll help you Asura regain your territory!" King Panshan said
But Pirogash didn’t seem to hear it asking for help, but looked at the fellow’s scriptures one by one
"an, ma, ni, ba, mi, bang"
Gradually, Pilogash’s head and horns fell off, and six vajras were held by six arms.
At this time, three asura king flew to invite Pelogash into the temple to give lessons, but they didn’t want Pelogash to refuse the invitation of the three kings, but to move towards the nine secluded places.
"What do you want to do? Come back! " When Tamayan saw this, he was not surprised. After Pilogash was promoted to Asura Wangdaohang, he wanted to challenge Wu Ming and hurriedly stopped.
However, I saw that Pilogash’s body gradually shrank and became six feet tall, and he came to the front of Jiuyou Gate. The three-headed demon wolf grinned and all the ghosts were waiting for him.
The three asura king of Domoyan were about to come and take it back, but they saw that Pelogash actually knelt in front of the door and bowed down and said, "Pelogash asks for the holy one!"
Yinru Jiuyou Wu Ming has already discovered it, but I didn’t expect this fellow to come to see himself?
"Invite it in."
A little while later, an imp came to the gate and said, "The Emperor invites you in."
Pilogash immediately got up and thanked him, and then the imp entered the city.
"What are you doing? Live! " Floating statue see open asura king unexpectedly people kneel immediately great anger boom a rushed out.
"Residents are not allowed to trespass on the Nine Ghosts, and offenders will be killed!"
The ghosts in front of the door will knife the rung, and all the ghosts will also put on their goras, but they will not hesitate to make moves if they make a move.
"Damn humble worm you-"
"Don’t fool around!"
When Tama Yan appeared, he stopped the floating statue from making a scene, and immediately looked at the ghost general guarding the city and said, "Please ask the emperor Asura Wang Tama Yan and others to inquire for it again."
The ghost will also know that the three people in front of him can blow themselves to death by asura king’s breath, and immediately they can also answer and report it, so it is good not to rush.
Piandian Wu Ming met the new asura king, but at first glance Wu Ming felt that it was not a asura king, but more like a statue of protector King Kong!
"You wanted to see me?" Wu Ming some curious way
Seeing that Pilogash was very respectful, he bowed for three turns before holding his brother’s ceremony, saying, "It is an epiphany and a willingness to convert to Buddhism to report to the brother of the holy one who views the holy one and leave six words of truth."
"Six words mantra? You said it was the big python? "
Wu Ming’s emotions, such as consternation and horror, were somewhat confused. The six-character mantra was originally left to him by the Tathagata, and the Bodhisattva sacred tree, Pilogash, became asura king because he had picked fruit from the mother tree.
But the mother tree also has a six-character mantra to form a ban.
"If you are asura king or convert to Buddhism, you should go to the Buddha and enter our door?" Wu Ming temporarily doesn’t want to mess with the Asura clan. This Pilogash also has some inexplicable origins.
Pilogash was not depressed when he heard this and said, "I know that Buddhism is no longer a Buddha but a saint."
"You want me to take your brother?"
"Don’t dare to have this luxury. I hope that the protector of the Holy One, King Kong, will cut off the three poisons and hardships, and the evil spirits will see the true meaning of Buddhism and help the world." Pilogash looks more like a Buddha than the other Buddhas in Lingshan.
"The emperor three asura king asks for an audience with" the door holds the temple lux child.when reported.
Wu Ming immediately looked at Pilogash Pilogash and nodded.
"Invite them in."
Chapter 59 That one eye group demon went to Yindu.
Domoyan and Fuzun Sakya are all sullen.
However, compared with the latter two, Dharma Yan has to consider something far-reaching. Pilogash has always practiced in Asura, which is the most rooted Asura in this generation, so that fruit fell into its hands.
But as soon as Pilogash was promoted to asura king, he came to visit Wu Ming, which had to make Domoyan think.
"The emperor invited three people in."
Domoyan immediately led the floating Buddha Sakya into the Nine Ghosts’ Realm and woke up as he walked. "You mustn’t tamper with what happens later, just let me handle it, okay?"
Sakya’s left skull suddenly frowned and asked, "Is he really that bad?"
Although the second floating statue was slightly defeated, it was not enough for him to rival the three asura king, was it?
"It’s different, especially if you don’t want to make trouble."
"got it"
When the three of them entered the temple together, they found that Pilogash made the first name of Wu like a dharma protector, holding a vajra and doing his duty with all his heart.
Fu Zun can be angry even if he wants to question Pilogash, but Domoyan can look at it.
"Please forgive me for the emperor’s rash visit again."
Wu Ming shook his head and said, "I know what you came for, but I’ll talk about it yourself."
When Tamayan saw that he had paid a ceremony on this trip, Pilogash also went to the three kings and four people, but it made Asura’s secret language Wu Ming wander to the place, but he was faintly aware of a little bit of hidden murder many times.
Hinder, hinder
Wu Ming suddenly seemed to see a pair of eyes. Against that gaze, he saw a series of personal experiences, such as Huang Hua’s view of fighting buddhas alone, breaking the demon world, wandering around the world, sneaking into the west, stealing flat peaches and learning from the five poisons, crossing the other side, and so on
Whose eye is this?
Immediately, I kept following the eyes to see the source. I don’t know how much effort it took. Wu Ming finally met Tong Kong and was about to see his true face.
"Holy one?"
A sound will wake him up, and Wu Ming will open his eyes and see the expressions of Pilogash’s respectful head, Tamayan and three asura king.
Dark sigh in my heart, if I stay a few more breaths, can I see who it is?
Who should have seen my experience? Looking back at yourself is the past. If you follow your eyes, is it your future?
Shook his head and asked the four people, "Have you discussed it?"
Domayan said, "Since Pirogash has Buddha’s fate, it is an honor to be the protector of the emperor according to it."